Practice Test

Q1) ____________stipulated in a contract ,acts as a deterrent to avoid performance Show Answer

Q2) A ,B & C jointly promised to pay Rs.90,000 to D .before performance of the contract ,C dies .here ,the contract Show Answer

Q3) A agrees to pay Rs.25,000 to B if a certain ship returns within a year .however ,the ship sinks within the year .in this case .the contract becomes Show Answer

Q4) Kat ,an actress was engaged for a tour ,the agreement provided that if the party went to London .K would be engaged at a salary to be mutually agreed between them , in such a case Show Answer

Q5) In which of the following cases, the promisor is at fault ? Show Answer

Q6) When a person has made a promise to two or more persons jointly ,then unless a contrary intention appears from the contract ,& after the death of all of them the right to claim performance rests with Show Answer

Q7) In case of the death of the promiser before performance ,the representative of the promisor are not bound when Show Answer

Q8) In a contract ,the time fixed for performance of the contract has expired but the time is not essential .what is the remedy of the promisee in the circumstances Show Answer

Q9) Where the promisee has to apply to the promisor for performance ,such application should be made at a proper time & place. what is proper time & place is a Show Answer

Q10) Assignment by operation of law takes place Show Answer

Q11) Which of the following persons can perform a personal contract ? Show Answer

Q12) X,Y & Z jointly promised to pay Rs.90,000 to R .Before performance of the contract, Z dies .Here ,the contract Show Answer

Q13) A agrees to pay Rs.1,000 to B if a certain ships return within a year .However ,the ship sinks within the year .In this case ,the contract becomes Show Answer

Q14) Where time is the essence of the contract and the promisor fails to perform his promise in time, the contract becomes : Show Answer

Q15) Where the performance of a promise by one party depends on the prior performance of promise by the other party, Such reciprocal promise fall under the category of--.----------- promises Show Answer

Q16) Suppose the time fixed for performance of the contract has expired but the time is not essential. What is the remedy of the promise in the circumstances ? Show Answer

Q17) Promises which form the consideration or part of the consideration for each other, are called Show Answer

Q18) Performance of a contract may be in the from of Show Answer

Q19) Tender means: Show Answer

Q20) When the promisee refuses to accept the performance from the promisor who offers to perform, it is : Show Answer

Q21) The promises which are to performed simultaneously are called ----------- promises. Show Answer

Q22) Which tender does not discharge the promisor from his liability ? Show Answer

Q23) A surety made certain payment on behalf of his principal Show Answer

Q24) A ,B & C jointly promise to pay D the sum of Rs.6,000 .C is compelled to pay the whole .A is insolvent ,but his assets are sufficient to pay one-half of his debts Show Answer

Q25) A owes B Rs. 50,000. B accepts some of A's good in reduction of debt. In such case, the delivery of good. Show Answer

Q26) Three persons make a joint promise .The promisor released one of the promisors Show Answer

Q27) one person has made a promise to three persons jointly .that the person dies .No specific intention appears in the contract as to performance Show Answer

Q28) By, the contract ,a promisor is to perform his promise without application by the promisee.No time for performance is specified in the contract Show Answer

Q29) A promise is to be performed on a certain day without application by the promisee Show Answer

Q30) when a promise is to be performed on a certain day Show Answer

Q31) when a promise is to be performed without application by the promisee & no place is fixed Show Answer

Q32) When a contract of reciprocal promises to be simultaneously performed Show Answer

Q33) When a contract contains reciprocal promises ,one party to the contract prevents the other from performing his promise, the contract becomes Show Answer

Q34) When in a contract containing reciprocal promises ,one party prevents the other from performing his promise ,the party so prevented is entitled to Show Answer

Q35) Offer to perform is called Show Answer

Q36) In case of an alternative promise ,one branch of which is legal & the other illegal .The legal branch Show Answer

Q37) A contract can be performed by Show Answer

Q38) Which is a valid tender Show Answer

Q39) A owes money to B under a contract. It is agreed between A,B & C ,that B shall thenceforth accept C as his debtor ,instead of A Show Answer

Q40) If any promisee neglects reasonable facilities to the promisor for the performance of his promise Show Answer

Q41) Mr. X lends Rs.10,000 to Mr. Y. He later tell Y that he need not repay the amount. The contract is discharged by Show Answer

Q42) A Tender will be irrevocable where :

Show Answer

Q43) "A" invites tenders for the specific supply of 10 quintals of cotton. "B","c" and "D" submit their tender. A contract is concluded when :

Show Answer

Q44) A promise to compensate, wholly or in part, by a person who has already voluntarily done something for the promisor is Show Answer

Q45) A promisee can recover the promised amount of charity from the promisor Show Answer

Q46) Latin maxim Ignorantia juris non excusat means: Show Answer

Q47) A contract cannot be performed by : Show Answer

Q48) If promise does not accept a valid tender or goods and service. Show Answer

Q49) Which of these parties cannot demand performance of a promise Show Answer

Q50) When the promisor refuses or disables himself from performance his promise, the promisee : Show Answer

Q51) On death of promisor, the contract which involve any personal skill------------ performed by their legal representative of that promisor. Show Answer

Q52) The liability of the legal heir is : Show Answer

Q53) When a promisee accept the performance of the promise from a third person -------------- it against the promisor later. Show Answer

Q54) If the promise does not accept the valid tender of money Show Answer

Q55) Generally time fixed for ----------- is consideration to be the essence of a contract and non the time fixed for -------- Show Answer

Q56) Anita, Sunita and Neeta jointly promised to pay Rs. 1,20,000 to Dev. Anita was compelled by Dev to pay the entire amount of Rs. 1,20,000. Here : Show Answer

Q57) A,B and C Jointly promise to pay Rs. 3,000 to D, here : Show Answer

Q58) Reciprocal promises consist of promises by : Show Answer

Q59) A and B promise to marry each other. Show Answer

Q60) When the promise by one party can be performed without waiting for the party to perform his promise, the promise is known as a -------- promise Show Answer

Q61) Each party is a promisor and a promisee in case of : Show Answer

Q62) Sale of goods for cash is an example of : Show Answer

Q63) Where debt to be discharged is not indicated by the debtors, the creditor : Show Answer

Q64) Where neither parties make any appropriation the money received must be applied : Show Answer

Q65) When the money is received by a creditor without any definite appropriation and there is also interest due on it, then the money must be applied : Show Answer

Q66) X owns totally Rs.50,000 to Y. He sends a cheque for Rs. 20,000 starting that it shall be appropriated toward the first sum of Rs. 20,000 he took from Y.Y shall appropriate it towards : Show Answer

Q67) When a party to a contract transfers his contractual right to another, it is: Show Answer

Q68) Xavier, who owns Rs.20,000 to Marshall, dies leaving an estate of Rs. 5,000. The legal representatives of Xavier are : Show Answer

Q69) Assignment of contract may be by : Show Answer

Q70) Under ------------ , both benefits and burden attached to the contract devolve upon the legal heir. Show Answer

Q71) Which of the following statements is not true? Show Answer

Q72) What is the reasonable time for performing of a contract ? Show Answer

Q73) In case of default by joint promisors, the promisee : Show Answer

Q74) All wagering agreement and contingent contracts are void : Show Answer

Q75) Unconditional contract are called ---------- contracts Show Answer

Q76) A ------------- is not a game, but contingent upon the happening or non - happening of a uncertain future event. Show Answer

Q77) Upon an offer of performance by the promisor, if the promisee neglects to provide or does not provide reasonable facilities for performance, the promisor is : Show Answer

Q78) A promises to delivery bangs is wheat to B. In case of A's death before performance, A's representatives : Show Answer

Q79) A servant is employed for one year on a monthly salary of Rs.1,800, the whole salary to be paid at the end of the year. The servant wrongfully leaves the service after six months. Is he entitled to any salary ? Show Answer

Q80) A enters into a contract with B for dancing at his theater for three night for a fee of Rs.2,00,000. A dances for two nights and he falls. What remedy is available to B ? Show Answer

Q81) X owes Y two sums, one of Rs.2,000 which is barred by Imitation and another for Rs.2,500 which is not barred. X pays Y Rs. 1,000 on account generally. Later Y sues for Rs. 2,500 X pleads.
i) As to Rs. 2,000 that it was time barred, and ii) As to Rs.2,500 a part payment of Rs. 1,000 Show Answer

Q82) Novation requires: Show Answer

Q83) ---------------- of a contract taken place when all or some of the terms of the Contract are cancelled. Show Answer

Q84) Contractual impossibilities are known as? Show Answer

Q85) Time may by made the essence of a contract by subsequent notice also. Show Answer

Q86) K sued some of the partners of a firm ABC Co. for damages but then he settled his claim against one of them and agreed to withdraw his claim against such partner and continued his suit against other partners. In his case : Show Answer

Q87) A owns Rs.1,00,000 to XYZ co, a partnership firm, A pays the whole amount to x, a joint promisee. Later Y and Z made a claim on A : Show Answer

Q88) A and B contract that B shall build a house for A for Rs.9 lakhs. B is ready and willing to construct the house. but A prevents him from doing so. In this case : Show Answer

Q89) Whether time is the essence of the contract depends on : Show Answer

Q90) Where performance of contract is remaining in part of both parties of contract, then such contract is known as Show Answer

Q91) In case of death of the Promisor before performance, the Representatives of the Promisor are not bound when - Show Answer

Q92) A, a singer enters into a contract with B, the manager of a theatre to sing at his theatre two nights in every week during the next two months and B engages to pay her ? 1,00,000 for each night's performance. On the sixth night, A willfully absents himself from the theatre. If A turns up after a week and B without saying anything allowed A to perform that night - Show Answer

Q93) Where performance involves the exercise of personal skills by the Promisor, the promise should be performed by - Show Answer

Q94) A is a dancer. She contracts with B to dance in a programme. But before due date of programme, A dies. This contract is performed by Show Answer

Q95) A teacher enters in to contract with a student to teach for the exams, but he dies before teaching. Now Show Answer

Q96) In case of death of a Joint Promisor(s), the Promisee can - Show Answer

Q97) In case of default by Joint Promisors, the Promisee can sue any one of them for the entire promise Show Answer

Q98) Ram, Lai and Shyam jointly promise to pay Mohan ? 30,000. Shyam paid the whole amount to Mohan. If Ram and Lai are solvent, Sham can recover Show Answer

Q99) If any one of the joint promisors makes a default in making contribution. How will it be settle down by other promisors? Show Answer

Q100) Shyam and Sunil are joint promisors. Promisee discharged one of the joint promisor. Then ______ Show Answer

Q101) The right of Joint Promisees to demand performance is - Show Answer

Q102) X, Y and Z are partners of software business jointly promise to pay ? 30,000 to A. Over a period of time Y became insolvent, but his assets are sufficient to pay 1/4th of his debts. Z is compelled to pay the whole. Show Answer

Q103) Reasonable time for performance of a contract is a - Show Answer

Q104) If no time is specified for performance of a Contract, it must be performed with in a reasonable time. “Reasonable time" means Show Answer

Q105) If time is the essence of the contract and the Promisor fails to perform the contract by the specified time, the contract - Show Answer

Q106) If the time is the essence of Contract and it is not performed with in specified time, then ____ Show Answer

Q107) Whether time is the essence of the contract depends on - Show Answer

Q108) In contracts of sale of movable properties, time is - Show Answer

Q109) In case of reciprocal promises, which is not applicable? Show Answer

Q110) A and B contract that B shall build a house for A for ? 9 Lakhs. B is ready and willing to construct the house, but A prevents him from doing so. In this case - Show Answer

Q111) A stranger to the contract can enforce the contract. Show Answer

Q112) Performance of the contract may be made only by the parties to the contract. Show Answer

Q113) A promise under a contract can be performed only by the promisor himself. Show Answer

Q114) When persons reciprocally promise, first to do certain legal acts and secondly to do certain illegal acts, the whole agreement is void. Show Answer

Q115) When the promise does not accept the offer of performance, the promisor is not responsible for non-performance. Show Answer

Q116) Payments made by a debtor are always appropriated in a chronological order. Show Answer

Q117) Cancellation of a contract by mutual consent of the parties is called waiver. Show Answer

Q118) In discharge of the whole claim a party to the contract agrees to accept a lesser amount then due, from the other party is a valid contract inspite of inadequate consideration. Show Answer

Q119) If the promises are joint, the right to claim performance is joint and not joint and several. Show Answer

Q120) A promise to pay a time barred debt is not enforceable. Show Answer

Q121) Reciprocal promise to do certain things legal and other illegal, make such promises void. Show Answer

Q122) The original contract between the parties must be performed even when the parties agree to substitute it with a new contract. Show Answer

Q123) On the valid performance of the contractual obligations by the parties, the contract Show Answer

Q124) Which of the following person can perform the contract? Show Answer

Q125) A contract is discharged by novation which means the Show Answer

Q126) A contract is discharged by rescission which means the Show Answer

Q127) If a person accepts a lesser sum of money than what was contracted for in discharge of the whole debt, it is known as: Show Answer

Q128) Novation discharges a contract Show Answer

Q129) Novation and alteration are same Show Answer

Q130) A, B and C jointly promised to pay Rs. 60,000 to D. before performance of the contract, C dies. Here, the contract Show Answer

Q131) Vivaan lives on rent in a house owned by Swasti. Later he purchases the house from Swasti. The rent agreement is discharged due to: Show Answer

Q132) When prior to the due date of performance, the promisor refuses to perform the contract, it is known as: Show Answer

Q133) A owes Rs. 15000 to B. A die leaving his estate of Rs. 12000. Legal representatives of A are: Show Answer

Q134) Rani contracted to teach dance to Shruti. Shruti paid an advance of Rs. 5000 for the same. Rani met with an accident and will not be able to dance. She has a daughter as her legal representative. Shruti can Show Answer